LOAD 5-19 Day 12 – Day at the Zoo

For LOAD 519 Day 12, I went “off prompt” and created a layout using pictures from a recent trip to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans.
I bought the “Border Strips” 12×12 paper from the Echo Park “Summer Dreams” collection and it’s so beautiful.  I love both sides so much and I couldn’t decide which side to use.  I don’t know why they put cut-a-parts for this collection on the same paper as this beautiful background paper.

So, when I went to Scrap Dat Crop last year in September, I was thrilled to get another sheet of this paper from Gigi’s Scrapbooking.  I was super excited about having two of these papers, but I still haven’t used either of these sheets of paper.  I have to admit I’m hoarding it, because I love both of these papers so, so much. Isn’t it pretty????
DR126013_Border_Strips_BEcho Park had their collections on sale for 50% off and I just had to buy the Echo Park Summer Dreams digital collection.  Woo Hoo!!! Now I have an unlimited supply of paper from this collection.  I can feel free to cut up the sheets I have to my hearts content and not worry about having more.
I started out with my digital layout of some zoo pictures using the Echo Park “Animal Safari”  collection.  This collection is super cute but it has some really dark colors.  I decided to use the Summer Dreams background to brighten up the page and I love the play of the bright background with the darker elements from the Animal Safari collection.
I found a aqua wood frame on google that I used to frame each of my photos.  It’s so pretty and looks like a fancy frame you would hang on your wall.
Here’s a full picture of my double layout for LOAD 519 Day 12.  The pictures used for this layout are from a recent trip to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans and includes a pic of my Mom and my sister Terri.
Audubon Zoo-008
#LOAD519 DAY 12