Layout Share | ScrapDat Crop | Page Kit Mystery #1 and #2

I attended the ScrapDat Crop in Mandeville, LA this past weekend and it was so much fun. The crop was three days and I was able to complete 10 layouts. I created a video showing these layouts and you can watch on YouTube by clicking on the link below. Layouts created using the page kits that I created in the Page Kit Mysteries series are included in this layout share.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

The ScrapDat crop is held twice a year in September and March. If you are interested in attending the next crop, it’s going to be in March 2020. So, check out the ScrapDat website

Page Kit Mystery #1 The Mystery of the Lazy Scrapbooker (Page Kit #1)

Page Kit Mystery #1 The Mystery of the Lazy Scrapbooker (Page Kit #2)

Page Kit Mystery #1 The Mystery of the Lazy Scrapbooker (Page Kit #3)

Page Kit Mystery #1 The Mystery of the Lazy Scrapbooker (Me & My Big Ideas Power Pages)

Page Kit Mystery #1 The Mystery of the Lazy Scrapbooker (Extra Layout not using a Page Kit)

Page Kit Mystery #2 Colorful Characters Tell a Story

Kiwi Lane Class Layouts

If you have questions or just want to share ideas on scrapbooking or any of the information provided, please head over to the “Scrapbooking with Yes Please Papercrafts” Facebook Group . If you haven’t joined the group yet, please request to join.