LOAD 5-19 Day 22 – Say Cheese

For LOAD 519 Day 22,  guess what??? Yep, I went “Off Prompt” again.  I’ve been wanting to do a layout with some selfies that I took with my dog Bella.  It was so funny to see her reaction to me trying to hold the phone, hold her and take a picture.  It was quite the challenge and I wanted to record this story.

This layout was done using a digital collection from Lori Whitlock called Smile.  I thought the camera and photo embellishments were perfect for this layout.

I also used one dog from the Cutesy Creatures Bundle “Yorkies Please” collection and some birds from the Cutesy Creatures Bundle “Colorful Whimsical Birds & Flowers”.

I added some journaling to a white card and added that to the left side of the layout.   I added three colorful strings across the page and then hung my photos and tags on te strings with wooden clothespins (which I found in a google image search).

Here’s a full picture of my digital layout for LOAD 519 Day 22.


#LOAD519 DAY 22